
“During my second pregnancy Stella came to my home to guide me and my husband through a hypnobirthing course. I would recommend hypnobirthing to anyone, regardless of where they would like to give birth. Thanks to Stella, throughout the final weeks of pregnancy I felt relaxed and empowered. My daughter was born at home, as planned, after a swift and calm labour in February 2019. Using the taught techniques and music I didn’t feel the need for pain relief. It was the most wonderful experience”

– Jade (2020)


“I had a lot of fear about labour and delivery. The hypnobirthing course and Stella’s advice and support really helped me have a positive and spiritual experience, it really helped my husband too”

– Beth (2020)


“We practised the meditation and breathing every day for the weeks leading up to the birth. The labour and birth were very calm and completely pain-relief free”

– Ben & Yolande (2019)


“I did it!! I got the VBAC I dreamed of, and the hypnobirthing meditation even worked for the stitching after birth”

– Kat (2020)


“I was advised I was unable to labour in the midwifery led unit as I needed to be monitored so insisted I wanted to be upright asked for the light to be dimmed, switched on my false candles and got my pictures out to aid with my visualisations […] It was definitely intense and fast and I felt a lot more than I did with my first but I knew what to do […] I don’t think you can underestimate the impact of a positive birth so I wanted to say a huge thank you!

- Kirstie (2021)